Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Iron Gates of the Danube

Saturday October 24
The Iron Gates

Today's been a crusing day. Slept in late (8am) and got to breakfast with a 1/2 hour to spare. As usual, too much food.

Mostly flat countryside, with scattered houses. Romania on the right, Serbia/Yugoslavia on the left, a pleasant drive. We passed through two locks that raised us about 150 feet.

The highlight of the day was passing through the "Iron Gates". A narrow gorge surrounded by high cliffs, we approached at dusk. On the Serbian side, we saw a marble plate commemorating the road built by the Emperor Trajan at that location.

The area once had rapids, and people have been trying to tame the river since Roman times. In 1972 a dam/powerstation with locks was built downstream, and finally flooded the river. Several villages were flooded and national parks dot the area.

We spent about an hour going through the double lock at that dam.
Other sights: a carving a la Mt Rushmore of "Decebalus Rex" and the Mraconia Monastery lighthouse. It was dusk, so picture taking was limited, but we did get a few.

On board, there was a sock contest, with items inside socks one was to feel and guess as to what it was. Mo won a hat for being the only one who guessed a food service glove in one. There also was a crystal sale.

A late dinner, more food, and off to the cabin for a good night's sleep in pareparation for tomorrow's full day in Belgrade.

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